
Tips On How To Be The Best Insurance Agent In 2024

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This article tell you “how to be a successful life insurance agent”. We follow several great insurance agents and have tried to gather their wisdom in one article. Each person defines success differently. We found the following traits of successful life insurance agents after monitoring top agents.


Can I succeed as an insurance agent? Try copying great performers’ traits.


●Gaining skills
●Keeping customers
●Build a Team: Always hire and acquire new consumers.
●Measure Results
●Helping society



1. Learning


Take advantage of mentoring whether you’ve sold life insurance for years or just started. Somebody always knows more than you. Surround yourself with ambitious, driven people. Accept advise from a more experienced agent instead of being offended. Knowing more improves you.

Life insurance policies fluctuate, therefore you must stay current to succeed. You’ll have a better chance of selling what the client needs and perceives they want. By being knowledgeable about life insurance and enthusiastic but professional, you may carefully direct someone toward the optimum coverage, trendy or not.

Social media and digital marketing

Every firm nowadays must understand digital and social media marketing to succeed. Learning SEO, Facebook/Instagram advertisements, and other skills can put you ahead of the competition.


Reading books

The majority of great insurance agents read books. Reading can teach you abilities that would take years to figure out on your own.





2. Retention of customers

Maintaining clients is more crucial than getting new ones unless you are beginning from scratch. It’s cheaper to keep consumers than to acquire new ones.

Become Available

Insurance agents have a difficult but rewarding job. If you work in this field, people will contact you 24/7, including holidays. Despite many people avoiding life insurance, the industry is intensely competitive. Agents compete for the same clients. Being ready to answer questions or offer guidance will help you succeed.

Emotionally invest

Doctors and police officers must avoid emotional involvement with patients. Life insurance agents are exempt from this rule. You must truly help and care for your consumers to succeed in this insurance business. Spend time with people to understand their needs.

Life insurance brokers that succeed build relationships. They focus on specifics and find common ground to do this. Suppose you and a prospect have kids. Ask if they play sports. If they are and your children are, you have a solid foundation for trust.

Customer Service

You should respond quickly to client inquiries, claims, and other issues.


3. Team Building: Always Hire

“Go alone to go fast. Together, you can go far.” African proverb

Building a strong team is essential for growth. You need great hires and a hiring system that fits your culture.

10,000-foot-level advice for anyone listening: always recruit.

After interviewing hundreds of agency owners, I discovered that top agencies grew by recruiting additional agents/producers.

For instance, an insurance agency with 5 agents/producers can double revenue by hiring 5 additional with identical potential. With 50 more agents/producers, one can 10x revenue.

4. Customer acquisition

Although everyone should have life insurance, most consumers ignore agents who try to sell them policies. Not that they don’t want coverage for their loved ones after death, but the salesperson’s approach. To succeed as a life insurance agent or to become one, use the information provided.


Your insurance agency needs a brand to stand out from thousands of competitors.

A value-driven

Even with a stable economy and rising wages, customers want the best deal. Relevant to life insurance. In this scenario, show them why they need protection, then offer great policies at the best price.

Many agencies emphasize on price, but do we consider it while choosing a heart doctor? One should offer the best insurance value, which may not be the cheapest.

Have Faith in Your Work

Successful people, whether selling life insurance or in another role, believe in their profession. Selling protection people need will be very successful if you love it. Learning as much as you can and reading about how insurance coverage helped policyholders can fuel your interest.

5. Assess Results

Focus on essential indicators to expand your insurance agency. These stats show if you’re on track. You should also align your team with these measurements so they know their goals.

Without a system to measure your progress, you’ll never know if you’re achieving or plateauing. Every stage of the sales funnel needs tracking. Strengths and shortcomings may be identified and fixed rapidly. Show prospects your statistics to prove you’re the greatest candidate.

Experts recommend the following insurance agency metrics.

Revenue estimate

The total revenue from all insurance at given moment. Without it, growth is difficult. Unfortunately, few agencies have that number.

If you bind a policy on January 1, you make $12,000. On a straight bill, it will exceed a safe ’12 pay.’ You’ll have all that revenue by January 1 next year. When $1,000 is invoiced each month, it’s booked income.

Revenue band-based account breakdown

Next, use number points to determine how many accounts make revenue under $5K, 5K to 10K, 10K to 20K, 20K to 50K, and 50K and above.

Average account size

This is similar to preceding metrics but from a different angle. Two agencies with $700 and $7,000 average account sizes are very different.

New business average per producer

Your producer’s average new business is another metric. If your producers average $75,000 in new business, you’re likely a tiny agency with few processes. If those producers are generating $150k to $175k in new business, you have a sales process and are eliminating lower-performing producers. You do more there.




You may succeed as an insurance agent.

You may exceed expectations by doing and saying the correct things.

This article should have taught you something new. Please share it with everyone who could benefit.

Schedule a free Success call with our experts to learn how to grow your insurance agency.




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